What is Event Handler?

Event Handler

Fundamentally, the event handler differs from a timer scheduler in that it enables multiple actions to be triggered by a single event or recurrence that can be further tailored with rules. Configuration can be performed using the AUDAC Touch. GPIO or timed events can all trigger the event handler.

Note: Up to 100 events can be created using the event handler.

Note: In order for the event handler to work, the time region should be set correctly on the device settings.

Event Settings

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition



Enables or disables the event. When a new event is created, it is enabled by default.


Not Available

Gives the event a unique name (maximum 40 characters)


Not Available

Description of the event
Action Settings

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition


Add Action/Remove Action

Each event can have up to 10 actions that can have up to 5 commands.



Open a window to configure the commands of the action.

Action Commands

Add Command/Remove

Adds a new command or removes the selected command. An action can have up to 5 commands.

Select Device


A drop-down menu shows all the available devices that can be controlled.



A drop-down menu shows all the available functions that be controlled.



If the volume of an input or a zone wants to be controlled, a desired value can be set at the bottom of the drop-down menu.



Mutes the desired input or zone.



Adjusts the volume of one of 16 mapped sources to the desired value.



The desired channel's volume is set to 0 dB whereas the rest is set to -90dB or muted. The selection is available at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
Trigger Settings

Contact Trigger

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition

Execute From-Until

Not Available

Sets a time limit for the event that will occur. The default last date is 18/01/2038, the limit cannot go beyond that date.

Contact Trigger

Add Contact Trigger/Edit/Remove Contact Trigger

Each event can have up to 16 contact triggers.

Select Device


A drop-down menu shows all the available devices that can receive GPI.

GPI Contact


A list of GPIO ports that can trigger the event. 

Trigger Type

High/Low/High and Low

Selection of GPI states to trigger the event.

Time Trigger

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition

Time Trigger

Add Time Trigger/Remove Time Trigger

Each event can have up to 10 time triggers.



Each time trigger can have up to 8 year selection options between  2023 and 2030. A selected year cannot be selected again.

If the year is selected as a repeat parameter, more than one year rule might be confusing.



Each time trigger can have up to 12 month selection options between  January and December. A selected month cannot be selected again.

If the month is selected as a repeat parameter, more than one month rule might be confusing.

Days of Month


Each time trigger can have up to 32 selection options between 1st-31st or the last day of the month.

Only a single day matching rule is allowed. The other day matching rules were disabled.

Weekdays of Month


Selection list of 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th, or the last weekdays of the month. Each day can be selected as a trigger date.

Only a single day matching rule is allowed. The other day matching rules were disabled.

If the day is selected as a repeat parameter, more than one day rule might be confusing.



Selection list of weekdays. Each day can be selected as a trigger date.

Only a single day matching rule is allowed. The other day matching rules were disabled.

If the day is selected as a repeat parameter, more than one day rule might be confusing.



Sets at what time the event should occur.



Sets how often the event repeats.

Time Triggers Preview

 Time triggers can be easily previewed annually, monthly and daily on the left side.
