Pre-Gain, Gain & Automatic Gain Control (AGC)

Sound Processing

Manually adjustable pre-gain for microphone/line level adjustment is available for input signals up to 22dBV/24dBu. It is a digitally controlled analogue gain stage. Pre-Gain can be used with both Gain and AGC.

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition


-6/0/34/40 dB

The Pre-Gain parameter offers a selection of four gain levels for the microphone level, line level, and hot signal source (e.g., DJ setup).


Gain is available for all input channels with a range of -35 and 35 dB for the LUNA series. It is also possible to adjust the input gain automatically.

Note: NWP series have -15 and 15dB of gain range.

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition


+/-35 dB

+/-15 dB

Input signal up to 22dBV/24dBu

Automatic Gain Control (AGC)

All inputs contain the possibility to enable Automatic Gain Control (AGC). This continuously adjusts the input gain, ensuring a constant output level while the input level varies. The gain adjustments are made in extremely small step adjustable sizes ensuring high-quality audio, even during gain changes.

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition

Target (A)

-20 - 6 dB

The Target parameter specifies a signal's target level before entering the Matrix. Continuously, the signal matching the level specified by the target parameter will be attempted to adjust.

Max Gain (B)

0 - 30 dB

The Max Gain parameter specifies the maximum gain adjustment which can be achieved between the input level and the target level. This can be used to prevent excessive noise or microphone feedback when, for example, a microphone is not being used. Note that this setting may prevent the AGC from reaching the target level, but this behavior is desirable to achieve the best overall sound.

Hold (C)

0.1 - 60 second

The Hold parameter specifies the AGC hold time during which no action will be taken when the output level falls below the target output level. This is used to prevent the gain from modulating on low frequencies which may cause distortion. For line signals, it is recommended to specify a long hold time to prevent the AGC from adjusting the volume during quiet music passages.

Decay (D)

5 - 200 dB/sec


The Decay parameter specifies the time the AGC will take to increase the gain, raising the signal from the current level (below the target level) to the target level. A slow Decay setting can be used if a fixed output level should be maintained, while a fast Decay setting can be used to compress the dynamic range of speech.

Attack (E)

5 - 200 dB/sec

The Attack parameter specifies the reaction time in which the AGC starts attenuating after a sudden increase in input level above the target level. The attack time should be fast to avoid any distortion caused by clipping, but when the attack time is too fast, the AGC will overreact to short peaks, causing audible distortion.

Threshold (B)

-90 - 30 dB

The Threshold parameter specifies the level at which the noise gate will be enabled. When the level of the applied input signal is below the set threshold level, the noise gate will be enabled. This will cut off the signal, resulting in no noise on the outputs. To avoid unwanted noises (noise gate opening and closing rapidly) when the signal level is close to the threshold level, the noise gate function uses a time-out period in combination with hysteresis.

Gain Freeze


The Gain Freeze will freeze the reached gain level and keeps it fixed.

Gain Recovery


The Gain Recovery will recover the reached gain level back to 0dB.

Training Video

You can click on the video or scan the code to watch the training video of this DSP feature.

Note: The video content may be changed or updated in time.
