Test (Test Signal)

Sound Processing

An internal digital signal generator is provided which can generate white noise, pink noise, and Sinusoidal signals with selectable frequencies. The test signal generator can be found in the Input Block.

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition

White Noise


White noise has constant power and energy per frequency is equal.

Pink Noise


Pink noise has lesser power as the frequency gets higher and more energy is allocated to lower frequencies.

Sine Wave


Sinusoidal waveforms are periodic waveforms.


20Hz -20kHz

When a sinusoidal signal is selected, the frequency can be adjusted by clicking the up and down arrows displayed next to the indicated frequency.

The signal generator can be injected into any zone, without mapping required, by enabling the Test function in the Zone Block.

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition



Enables or disables the DSP feature.

Training Video

You can click on the video or scan the code to watch the training video of this DSP feature.

Note: The video content may be changed or updated in time.
