
Sound Processing

The priority settings menu makes it possible to configure the priority channels. The LUNA series offers four levels of priority that can be triggered by stereo or mono analog inputs, Flex inputs, Dante inputs, and OS inputs.

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition



Enables or disables the DSP feature.



The Trigger is the source that triggers the priority to engage. The trigger can be an input coming from a fire alarm system.



Input sources that can be patched in case a priority situation occurs. This includes all physical inputs, Dante inputs etc.

Hold Time

0.1 – 30000 second

Hold time for the priority after the input message or voice file ends.

Fade Speed

1 -200 dB/sec

Set the fade speed to disengage the priority after a certain hold time.


-99 – 0 dB/sec

Sets the attenuation level for the input message or the voice file of the priority.



List of GPIO that can receive contact because of the received priority trigger.

Using Voice Files with Priority

The procedure to use OS input as a priority input is explained below in steps.

  1. Create a voice file event in the Voice Files.
  2. Create an event in the Event Handler that uses an alarm system as a GPIO trigger.
  3. The created event should trigger the previously created voice file event.
  4. In the Priority section of the zone, select OS1, OS2 or Mono OS 1+2 as your trigger and input. If you select Mono OS1+2, that channel should be enabled.
  5. The voice file event will be played in that zone as a priority whether it is assigned or not to the zone's Voice File section.
Training Video

You can click on the video or scan the code to watch the training video of this DSP feature.

Note: The video content may be changed or updated in time.
