Voice File

Sound Processing

Voice file sets the available audio messages or announcements in the zone from the internal memory (SD Card) or external memory (USB Type C inputs). Up to 100 items can be selected and priority levels and file paths can be adjusted on the Voice Files overview screen. Voice files can be triggered by GPIO or timed events. MP3 and WAV are supported file formats.

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition

Voice file


Up to 100 items can be selected.

Audio Source


Mono OS1+2 is set by default but not enabled on the overview screen. Also available inputs are OS In1 and OS In2 which are already enabled.


-99 – 0 dB/sec

Sets the attenuation level for the voice file in the zone.



Automatic GPIO output triggering with Voice File. GPIO should be set as GPO in LUNA-F.

Training Video

You can click on the video or scan the code to watch the training video of this DSP feature.

Note: The video content may be changed or updated in time.
