

A maximum of 16 channels can be selected from any input or zone. That is, an already mixed zone can be part of another mix too. A zone can be mapped into all output channels.
Note: Test, Talk Over and Priority sources do not need to be mapped to the corresponding zone’s mixer. Those sources are picked up once they are assigned within that DSP feature.

Note: If a mapped input or zone is removed from the list in a zone, a blank box is left there. You may remove the blank box by clicking on the bin icon again. This removal will shift the mixer levels to the channels that come after. In other words, mixer settings stay constant but mapped channels shift upwards.

Note: If a mapped input or zone is removed from the list in a zone, a blank box is left there. You may remove the blank box by clicking on the bin icon again. This removal will shift the mixer levels to the channels that come after. In other words, mixer settings stay constant but mapped channels shift upwards.

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition

Plus Icon


Opens a list of selectable/available items for mapping.

Cross Icon


Asks permission to remove the entire mapping list.

Pen Icon


Opens a list of selectable/available items for exchanging the mapped item.

Bin Icon

Not Available

Removes the mapped item from the list.

Hamburger Icon

Not Available

Changes the order of mapping in the zone block.

Training Video

You can click on the video or scan the code to watch the training video of this DSP feature.

Note: The video content may be changed or updated in time.

