Voice File Player

Voice Files

Voice File Player supports MP3 and WAV formats. The storage location can be an external USB drive or an internal SD card. Both FAT32 and exFAT USB drive formats are supported. Voice file events can be recalled in the zone block Voice File when they are assigned.

Voice File Overview

Available events with assigned voice files can be previewed on this list with additional information such as importance level or priority and number of repeats.

Events are queueable when another event with a higher/same priority is playing.

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition

Play and Stop Buttons

Not Available

Created voice file events can be tested using play and stop buttons.

Edit Voice File

Parameter Name

Parameter Range

Parameter Definition

Edit Voice File


Event Name

Not Available

Name of the event (e.g. Evacuation)

Voice File Path

Not Available

Make sure to add the usb/ or mediafiles/ folder in the path field in Audac Touch (e.g.mediafiles/audio1.mp3)

Please note that the file path is case sensitive.



The importance of the event ranges from 0 to 100. The lower the number the higher the priority. For example, priority 1 is more important than priority 6.

Play # of Times

Not Available

Repeat the event a specific amount of times, up to 255. When the file is played this amount of times it is removed from the queue. When this variable is set to 0 the file will be played infinitely.

Play Completely


Name of the event (e.g. Evacuation)

Upload voice files

You can check File Browser topic regarding MP3 or WAV file uploading to internal storage.

Selecting voice file event in the Event Handler

It is possible to trigger a voice file event with a GPI trigger or timed event trigger in the Event Handler. You can find the Voice File Player as a device with the same IP as the LUNA in the drop-down menu.
